
Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy

Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy: Harnessing Radiation for Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy are two critical applications of radiation in medicine. While radiodiagnosis uses radiation to image the body’s internal structures for diagnostic purposes, radiotherapy employs radiation to treat various diseases, most notably cancer. This chapter delves into the history, principles, techniques, and advancements in these life-saving fields. The Discovery of X-rays and Radioactivity…

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Routes of Drug Administration

Routes of Drug Administration

Introduction When it comes to delivering medications to the body, there are various routes of drug administration that healthcare professionals can choose from. Each route has its own advantages, disadvantages, and specific applications. Understanding these different routes is essential for optimizing drug therapy and ensuring that patients receive their medications effectively and safely. In this…

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Pharmacotherapy of Cough

Pharmacotherapy of Cough

Introduction Cough is a protective reflex that helps clear the airways of irritants and secretions. It can be classified as acute (<3 weeks duration) or chronic (>8 weeks).[1] While acute cough is usually self-limiting and resolves on its own, chronic cough can significantly impair quality of life. Pharmacological management is a key component of treating…

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Pharmacology of antitussives

Antitussives are a class of medications used to suppress coughing, a common symptom associated with various respiratory conditions. These drugs work by acting on the central nervous system or peripheral receptors to inhibit the cough reflex. This article will discuss the pharmacology of antitussives, including their mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, adverse effects, and considerations…

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Pharmacotherapy of Mania

Introduction Mania is a mood state characterised by an expansive or irritable mood, increased energy and activity, racing thoughts, pressured speech, decreased need for sleep, and reckless or impulsive behaviours that can have painful consequences. Mania is the defining feature of bipolar I disorder and also occurs in bipolar II disorder and cyclothymic disorder (American…

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Animal Research A Closer Look

Revolutionizing Animal Research: A Methodological Shift Towards Reduction and Ethical Efficiency

Introduction The ethical framework provided by the 3R principles — replace, reduce, and refine — is a cornerstone of current scientific practice in animal research worldwide. Despite growing awareness and adoption of these principles, significant room for improvement remains, particularly in the aspect of reduction. The paper by S. Helene Richter presents an innovative approach…

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climate tipping

Anticipating the Edge: The Role of Remote Sensing in Detecting Climate Tipping Points

Introduction Overview of Climate Change Tipping Points In their comprehensive study, Lenton, T.M., Abrams, J.F., Bartsch, A. et al. explore the escalating risk of climate tipping points amid ongoing climate change. They articulate the necessity for advanced methods to anticipate and understand these critical junctures in the Earth’s system, which can lead to abrupt and irreversible…

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Antiretroviral Drugs

Introduction Antiretroviral drugs have revolutionised the treatment of HIV, turning what was once a fatal diagnosis into a manageable chronic condition. These medications are central to HIV treatment and management, working by inhibiting the replication of the virus in the body, thereby reducing the viral load and bolstering the immune system. What are Antiretroviral Drugs?…

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